Dec 11, 2021
A musical New Year´s Eve
Many Christmas concerts were cancelled again this year. However, there are still some beautiful musical encounters, which I am very much...
The Belgian soprano Irene Carpentier's repertoire focuses mainly on the performance of concert and oratorio. She has already worked with well-known conductors and musicians, such as Ed Spanjaard, Peter Eötvös, Nicolas Fink, Thomas Hengelbrock, Hans Jaskulsky, Graham Johnson, Dimitri Liss, Filip Rathé, Frank Agsteribbe, Nicolas Achten, Pietro Rizzo, Jos Van Veldhoven & Jan Vuye. She appeared in churches, concert halls and theatres all over Europe, e.g. at Tramway Glasgow, South Bank Center London, the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Cologne Cathedral, Thomaskirche Leipzig, Christuskirche Bochum, KVS Brussels, Sint-Salvatorcathedral Bruges, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Opéra de Marseille, Teatro Alhambra Granada, Teatro Central Sevilla, Ridehuset Aarhus & Oslo Concert Hall.
In addition to her great passion for the sacred repertoire, Irene Carpentier can also inspire the audience with her moving interpretations of the song and opera repertoire. She regularly gives recitals and has worked in productions for Muziektheater Transparant, the Flemish Opera, Les Ballets C de la B and Ensemble Leporello. As part of her own production house, she worked on Zout and, in collaboration with the Flemish opera, Gretel the Witch, an opera for children aged 8 and above. She sang the role of Gretel.
I will happily help you to improve the technical processes of your singing or speaking, so you would feel freer and enjoy expressing yourself. I offer private coaching in English, German and Dutch; since 2020 also online.
Regularly, I offer workshops as well. Please check the calendar for more information. To register, feel free to contact me. Would you like to be personally notified of new courses? Please subscribe.
Currently, there are no courses planned in English. However, I gladly answer your request.
My work as a singing teacher and voice coach started in 2007, guiding singers in their search for their voice, helping amateur as well as professional singers. Many of my students have become professional singers themselves. As a vocal coach, I support the Bach Choir in Siegen since 2021.
Professional speakers (e.g. teachers, lecturers, etc.) are also among my students and can benefit greatly from the exercises for the speaking voice...
Wankender Abt, schmorender Schwan
Bach-Chor, Kinder- und Jugendchor der Musikschule und Philharmonie Südwestfalen brachten Carmina Burana auf Bühne
Siegener Zeitung - 22.05.2023
[...] Auch Momente anrührender Innigkeit bleiben in Erinnerung: Sopranistin Irene Carpentier sang das "Stetit puella" mit feingliedriger stimmlicher Flexibilität, tadellos ihr "Dulcissime", und ihr "In trutina" hätte persönlicher nicht sein können.
Mal virtuos, dann besinnlich - Irene Carpentier & Ignace Michiels
Gießener Allgemeine - 05.08.2021
[...] Das »Laudamus te« aus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts c-Moll-Messe gab Carpentier Gelegenheit, ihr ganzes Können zu demonstrieren bei elegant sich emporschwingenden Koloraturen und konzentrierten Dialogen mit der Orgel - die makellose Interpretation begeisterte restlos. [...] Carpentier bezauberte mit ihrer flexiblen, im Ausdruck ebenso klaren wie reinen Gesangsweise und hatte in Michiels einen kongenialen Begleiter. [...] Von dem hervorragenden Duo sichtlich beeindruckt, spendeten die Besucher lang anhaltenden Beifall und wurden mit einer Zugabe belohnt.